Celebrating Nurses and Midwives on World Health Day 2020

The year 2020 has seen its fair share of insanity, from huge fires to the tragic death of NBA legend Kobe Bryant. There is also the obvious need to mention the pandemic of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. In times of sadness and uncertainty, and especially in sickness, we turn to our leaders in health and science to remind us how far we have developed and how far we will continue to do so.
Though 2020 is the year of insanity, it is also the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, as highlighted by the World Health Organization.1 It is a year to take a moment to appreciate the hard work of our healthcare providers that do not often get glamorized in TV shows or receive mind-boggling paystubs. Nurses and midwives are the backbone of our healthcare institutions and they are the focus of this year’s World Health Day.
World Health Day
World Health Day began in 1950 and “has aimed to create awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization.”2 Previous themes have ranged from climate change to mental health. The 2020 World Health Day is intended to highlight the work of nursing and midwifery around the world, as these essential roles are critical in responding to the health needs across the board and the people in them are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis.
What You Can Do to Support Nurses and Midwives on World Health Day 2020
Here are some simple suggestions from our North Texas local movers on how you can personally support nurses and midwives on World Health Day.
- Say “thank you” to a nurse or midwife: If you know someone personally serving as a nurse or midwife, this is a great opportunity to thank them for all the work that they do. If you don’t, we encourage you to write a letter to the nurses and midwives of your local healthcare facility. The letter will be much appreciated, especially with the heavy weight of the national pandemic sitting upon their shoulders. If you’re not a letter person, flowers or treats are also encouraged.
- Send a letter to your leaders: Nurses and midwives face many challenges that are systematic. Ask your local and national governmental leaders what they’re doing to help nurses and midwives. If they’re not doing anything, now is the time to demand more for those who go immensely underappreciated.
- Educate yourself: Read up on the world of nursing and the world of midwifery. You may be surprised by what you find. Use this new knowledge to enact the change you wish to see in the world.
Thank You Nurses and Midwives!
At Firehouse Movers, we hope that you are inspired by the hardworking people serving our communities as nurses and midwives. Remember to keep them in your thoughts and prayers and take whatever actions you can to better their position, especially during these trying times under COVID-19.
[1] World Health Organization – World Health Day 2020: Support Nurses and Midwives2 World Health Organization – World Health Day