When to Avoid Being on the Road in Dallas
![woman with bun in hair holding onto steering wheel](https://firehousemovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/When-to-Avoid-Being-on-the-Road-in-Dallas-720x377.jpg)
Now that our Dallas movers have helped you settle into your new home, you’re trying to find your way around the city. Dallas isn’t exactly a commuter-friendly city; driving is a must. However, you may find that driving through Dallas is like driving through an obstacle course, especially during rush hour. Sure, you’re no stranger to being stuck in traffic, but it can get overwhelming if you spend most of your free time on the road. The Firehouse Movers in Dallas are more than happy to give you some guidance on when to avoid being on the road in Dallas.
What Is the Best Time to Drive Through Dallas?
If you don’t have a normal 9 to 5, you might find it beneficial to commute around 9 a.m. as it’s the fastest drive time during the day, with a 19.9% speed increase as opposed to the normal morning commute between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. [1] Avoid being on the road in Dallas during the morning rush hour to give yourself more time to commute to work while not dealing with bumper-to-bumper traffic.
Surviving the Mixmaster
Welcome to Dallas’ Mixmaster, where the Interstate 35E connects with the Interstate 30. Navigating through this interchange in Downtown Dallas is not easy since it has a complex geometry of on-, off-, and between-ramps. No matter the direction you drive on the Mixmaster, you can only use one lane to successfully drive through the traffic. That lane will either be the passing lane to the left or the slow/exit lane to the right – not a lane in between. Additionally, the lane you’ll need to switch to will be going at least 60mp faster than the lane you’re currently in. When you eventually switch over, the lane will suddenly slow down by 45 mph, making navigation of the Mixmaster more of a headache.
To make things easier on yourself, keep a proper distance of about 9 inches between you and the car in front of you, regardless of speed. You’ll get the maximum use of available space and prevents indecisive drivers from cutting you off in traffic.
Moving to Dallas With Firehouse Movers
Whenever you’re ready to move to Dallas, give our moving company in North Texas a call. We have been serving the North Texas region for over twenty years, so our professional movers know how to get you moved into your new home safely. Call us today for your free estimate at 972-412-6033!
[1] Patch – Least-Congested Traffic Times To Vote in Texas